

A. L. Diaz, A. Ortega, H. Tingle, A. Pulido, O. Cordero, M. Nelson, N. Cocoves, J. Shin, R. Carthy, B. Wilkinson, and P. Ifju, “The Bathy-Drone: An Autonomous Uncrewed Drone-Tethered Sonar System,” Drones, vol. 6, no. 10, p. 294, Oct. 2022, doi: 10.3390/drones6100294. [Paper]


Andres Pulido, Blake Sanders, Nicholas Sardinia, Antonio Diaz, Henry Tingle, Peter Ifju and Jane Shin, “Coverage path planning for a robotics platform equipped with a side-scan sonar sensor for underwater bathymetry mapping” AIAA SciTech 2024 Forum [Conference Paper]

Andres Pulido, Ruoyao Qin, Antonio Diaz, Andrew Ortega, Peter Ifju, Jane Shin, “Time and Cost-Efficient Bathymetric Mapping System using Sparse Point Cloud Generation and Automatic Object Detection “, OCEANS 2022 Conference [Preprint] [Conference Paper]

Andres Pulido, Antonio Diaz, Andrew Ortega, Peter Ifju, Jane Shin, “Modeling, Trajectory Planning, and Control of the Bathy-drone: A Drone Towing a Boat Equipped with Sonar for Bathymetry Mapping “, AIAA SciTech 2023 Forum [Conference paper]